Friday, December 31, 2010

many wishes

au revoir, 2010. this year was a challenging one for me. i learned many things about myself though, and i think i grew a good bit too. 2010 brought many blessings as well, and for that i am so thankful. still, i am very ready for a fresh start.

i've been thinking about goals for this new year, but am still working them out, so maybe i'll share them next week. until then, i thought i would share a quote that i plan to meditate upon during this coming year.

Liberation is nothing more, nothing less, than becoming established in the constant experience of an open, unfettered heart.

Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

best wishes, loves, and a happy New Year.
and as always, thanks for reading.

image via


i spent a lovely christmas in florida with the family. the week was full of down time, watching movies, cooking too much food, drinking too much wine, and fun with best friends and sisters.
here are a few of the photos i snapped while visiting.

thanks for looking. i hope you're christmas was lovely too.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

goodnight moon

oh, one more thing before i go!
the serendipity of a lunar eclipse falling on the winter solstice is something a bit magical and mysterious in my mind. though i couldn't quite stay up to watch the whole thing, i woke up several times during the night to take a peek. it was lovely indeed. i could see the moon in all its magnificence through the window from my bed, and it felt dreamy and ethereal to watch it transform in my sleepy state.
anywho, for all those who couldn't catch a glimpse because of sleep or clouds or what have you, this time lapse video from filmmaker william castleman is pretty amazing. enjoy!


merry & bright

a day late (typical), but i'm here to wish you a happy solstice and a warm and cozy winter.
i'm actually heading to florida this evening for the holidays (so excited, i need some warm weather in my life right now and a little family/ best friend time).
so, i'll check in late this week and hopefully post some photos of the homeland, and then i'll be back in the new year. (yay for fresh starts!)

happy holidays my friends, i hope they're merry and bright.
lots of love,

Monday, December 20, 2010

cozy capes

i know i'm a little behind on this bandwagon, but recently i am seriously coveting those lovely capes that keep popping up all over the interwebs. although i question their practicality, i think i maybe need one. don't you? anyone of these would do...

asos ( i think this is my fave, so classic, so perfect.)



our little holiday party this weekend was quite a success and so much fun. it was lovely to stay in with friends and celebrate.
we had soooo many sweets, tasty eats, and this delish punch. (which i will definitely be making again!)
and my handsome fella made a lovely gold photo backdrop out of wrapping paper for everyone to pose in front of.
(he's brilliant.)
we took silly photos with holiday accessories (reindeer antlers and santa hats) and felt perfectly cheesy and festive.
heres a few photos in case you want to be cheesy with me.
cheers to friends and celebrating the holidays together.

our little tree

looking fancy

house lit up and snow on the ground.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

man and his muse

enjoying this fun photo shoot with scarlett johansson and woody allen.


when it arrived in my mailbox i was surprisingly wooed by this charming photoshoot from anthropologie's november catalog. i love the bright color pallet, kitchy feel, and those cute animals sell me on their goods so much more than the waify models. just sayin.

Friday, December 17, 2010

magic friday

happy weekend, loves.
we got a few inches of snow yesterday and more is supposed to arrive over the weekend.
it feels like winter and the holidays are in full swing!
i'm throwing a wee little holiday party tonight and i'm so excited to cozy up with friends, drinking spiked apple cider and champagne punch and celebrate before i leave town for the holidays.
hope your weekend is full of wintery magic!


ps. this is my little fuzz, billie jean, getting ready for tonight's festivities.
(she's pretty excited.)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

warm & fuzzy

sometimes i have terrible follow through and begin knitting projects just to get bored half way through and abandon them. i began this cowl last winter, but after rows and rows of stockinette stitch i felt like i was getting nowhere. and then the weather started to get warm.
however, once fall arrived i started working on it again, because this soft teal alpaca yarn is too lovely to abandon. the other day i finally finished it, just in time for snow.
totally worth it, this beauty is my new fave.

want to make one too? heres a pdf of the pattern, destroyed cowl by martha merzig.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

i'll tell you a secret.

sometimes i have little panic attacks and feel like i can't breathe.
this happens most often when i think about how much work i have to do to make this thesis happen.
and then i tell myself that its just too much, there's no way it could be done in one semester.
or i tell myself that i can't do it at all.
those are terrible stories to tell oneself, i know.
and thats when my breathing gets tricky.
its the worst, friends.
i'm working on it though.
most recently, when i start to feel panicked, i write my worries down in a sketchbook.
i named it the worry wort book.
and then make little illustrations to go with them.
i've found that once scrawled on a piece of paper, they don't feel so big and powerful.
and concentrating on drawing helps me calm down.
maybe one day i'll share a few.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

we bought a lovely christmas tree last week. decorated with twinkly lights, and little glass balls, and colorful paper cranes, its been bringing me lots of cheer these dark, chilly days.

but, if you've ever wondered about the ecological impact of supporting the christmas tree industry, heres a great story from npr this morning. apparently its not as bad as i'd imagined, and by purchasing a tree locally you're supporting farmers and the clean air that their trees make for your community.

so yay for christmas trees and the happiness they bring!

Monday, December 13, 2010

surprise snow

this weekend was tame, but at the same time, warm and full and lovely.
recovering from the flu.
watched polar express.
made peanut butter chocolate fudge. (who knew its so easy to make? and so dangerous to keep in your fridge!)
saturday brunch followed by christmas shopping.
coffee with a dear friend.
much needed girl time.
listened to christmas carols, drank tea, and made paper cranes to hang from the tree.
(i've been feeling surprisingly festive this year.)
and speaking of surprises, i woke up to our first snow of the year today.
so pretty.

and speaking of pretty, how amazing is this snowflake? really, i have no words.

Friday, December 10, 2010

dream room

i've been stuck in bed with the flu a good bit of this week.
(its been a rough week, you see.)
and i'd say my bed is pretty cozy, as cozy beds go. but this bed. this bed is just dreamy.
and i'd like to go there. right now.

happy weekend, loves. hope you stay warm and cozy.