well hello and happy tuesday, friends.
i'm getting back into the swing of things after a long and glorious birthday weekend. thursday we embarked on an classic summer road trip northward, stopping first at a nice little camp ground in pennsylvania for the night. we drove the rest of the way to toronto friday, but not before taking an early morning swim in a beautiful mountain river and eating birthday breakfast of blueberry pie.
toronto was awesome our hostel quirky but perfectly located and cozy. as a city toronto feels modern, clean, and friendly. all in all we ate lots of great food, wondered toronto's pretty streets, saw arcade fire on olympic island in the middle of lake ontario (ah-may-zing, btw) and had a pretty magical weekend. it was a perfect way to usher in a new year of life. here are a few pictures, though i must say, i think i sort of failed to take many toronoto photos, perhaps i was just too busy having fun and stuffing my face.

on the road, pit stop somewhere in pennsylvania.

view from our campsite.

swimming hole.

pretty water.

welcome to canada!

rainbow over the falls.
stopped along the way at niagra falls. in canada they have funny signs like this.

isn't toronto cute? (kennsington market area.)

view to toronto from the ferry to olympic island.

arcade fire. so good.

view of toronto from the island after the show as we shared noodles and dumplings and waited to take the ferry back.

brunch round two. sunday sleepies. not wanting to leave.

on the road again and blurry. the middle of nowhere, western new york state.

headed home. and a handsome fellow in the passanger seat.
hope you're having a great week! xo.