goodness, i dont know where my head has been the last few weeks, but clearly its not here. i've been such a flighty blogger recently! i guess i havent quite gotten back into the groove of things since getting home, but i imagine ii will happen sometime soon, right?
anyhow, i've been thinking recently that a part of what i love about going on adventures is the sweetness of returning home. heres a little list that i've been mentally compiling of lovely summer things i'm thankful to have returned to.
1. summer thunderstorms.
2. billie jean, my sassy little calico. after being away for over a month, she's still as cute and pretty and chatty as ever. and she still loves me.
3. quiet. sometimes its impossible to escape the noise of traveling in another country. but home is blissfully quiet.
4. sleeping in my cozy bed.
5. being snuggled by a handsome gentleman, while sleeping in my cozy bed.
6. blueberries. deliciously ripe and in season, i've been eating them for breakfast everyday.
7. the drive-in movies. we went over the weekend, ate popcorn and drank champagne while snuggled in blankets in the back of a station wagon. best date ever.
8. planting new flowers on the porch and rearranging furniture. feels so fresh and so new.
9. iced americanos. especially ones in mason jars.
10. oregon hill, my lovely little rough-around-the-edges neighborhood. theres so much hidden beauty here.
11. and of course, planning more adventures.
thanks for reading, loves.
i want that iced americano in a mason jar in my hand now.