do not, under any circumstances, give up
writes blogger, writer, and photographer susannah conway as number five in a list of tips for writers working on long projects. i've been thinking a lot about the process of writing recently. feeling incredibly frustrated with it in all honesty. and as long as we're sharing secrets here, i'll admit, i've been daydreaming about giving up. about the freedom and momentary bliss that i'd feel if i walked away. but i know it would be followed by such disappointment and hopelessness. so anyhow, i found susannah's simple reminder poignant and timely.
also so are these:
perseverance |ˌpərsəˈvi(ə)rəns| noun
1 steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
2 continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory.
continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory?
that is the most amazing definition of perseverance i could imagine.
i think grace & glory will be my new mantra.
photo via.
writes blogger, writer, and photographer susannah conway as number five in a list of tips for writers working on long projects. i've been thinking a lot about the process of writing recently. feeling incredibly frustrated with it in all honesty. and as long as we're sharing secrets here, i'll admit, i've been daydreaming about giving up. about the freedom and momentary bliss that i'd feel if i walked away. but i know it would be followed by such disappointment and hopelessness. so anyhow, i found susannah's simple reminder poignant and timely.
also so are these:
perseverance |ˌpərsəˈvi(ə)rəns| noun
1 steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
2 continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory.
continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory?
that is the most amazing definition of perseverance i could imagine.
i think grace & glory will be my new mantra.
photo via.
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